Even though heating with wood is very traditional, it became much more popular in the last years. To drive forward an environmental friendly wood stove development the German government introduced the so called „Bundesimmissionsschutzverordnung (BImSchV)“ which defines the emission limits. In 2015, the 2nd stage of the BImschV has become valid requiring even stricter emission limits for Germany and also several other countries (depending on the type of stove: 0,02 – 0,04 mg/m³ for dust; 0,25 – 1,50 g/m³ CO). Wood stoves that operate within these ranges can be used in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, also in urban areas.These modern wood stoves are made to use the right air flow and materials to create a high performance combustion. Compared to an old traditional fireplace a modern wood stove can reduce the emissions up to 85%. All our products fulfill the requirements of the latest BImSchV which means they are guaranteed clean.